Thursday, March 8, 2012


Around the summer of 2011, even before I entered the world of pinterest, I decided to stop throwing away all my glass bottles and jars. I hated the fact that I had to throw them away in the first place, since we didn't have recycling at our apartment. But even to recycle them seems like such a waste!

I googled different options of how to use these jars that I began to collect. The best practical use I found is simply to store things in your pantry. They are perfect for dried rice, beans, or pasta. It creates a semi-uniform look, and you can see what you have while simultaneously keeping it fresh longer! I do the same with baking supplies such as flower, sugar, and anything else that comes in a bag.

Different ways that I use jars.
Even with this great use, I have quickly accumulated more jars than I know what to do with! Any of you Pinterest users know that Mason jars have become all the rage! I love the idea, but I think buying jars is the silliest thing I have ever heard, since the average person goes through jars on a regular basis anyway!

I am eager to have a garden so that I can can fruits and veggies, and make jams, jellies and salsa. But until that day, I need to figure out what to do with all these jars!

What creative ideas have you thought of or found to do with jars?

1 comment:

  1. You can store your next bag of Krusteaz in several jars! That'll keep those critters out!
