Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Shower Singing

I used to be an avid shower singer. For that matter, I used to be an avid alone singer. I was really into music in high school (who isn't?) and I super enjoyed belting out the lyrics! I was privileged for a few years to have my own spacious shower with great acoustics. 

When choosing a shower song, the most important thing is that you know the lyrics. You don't want to end up in a vicious cycle, or have to do some "bum ba bum"s in the middle of your anthem. I always try to choose songs which I consider in my range (which is very limited). It's also great if there is a dramatic belting or yell at some point in the song. The most perfect example: Scream from High School Musical 3. 

That's right. 

Ballads are good too. American Pie is great to show off your memory skills, or challenge them. 

And it you're really brave, you can take your talent outside the tiled walls, in front of a mirror, and add some dance moves! Or if you're a gymnast, a warehouse might be a good place to blow off some steam. 

Whatever the case, singing out loud is a great way to forget the day! 

Participate responsibly. 

What's your favorite shower song?

Monday, February 27, 2012


The subject of fatherhood has come up a lot around me lately. The first instance was while I was reading Jeremiah and considering the attributes of God. I think our culture today focuses on a loving God, but the God I was reading in Jeremiah was a wrathful God. Yes, Jesus's death covered the wrath and allowed the love, but does that mean that attribute of God just disappeared? I don't think so. Therefore, I was considering how to view God not just one attribute at a time, but all together. I also considered why our culture might zoom in on only one side and that's when I came to the issue of fatherhood.

I noted that the father figure has lost a lot of respect in our culture. Generally, he is either absent by one reason or another, or he is spun around a little finger. (Obviously, these are not all the options.) So many people have a hard time thinking of God as their father because the title holds little or negative weight to them. My pastor pointed this out in reference to the Lord's prayer in which Jesus teaches how to pray beginning with "Our Father."

Shortly after I was considering these thoughts, I watched the movie Courageous which is fully devoted to the subject of fatherhood. They emphasize the importance of a father's role, and the importance of a father's relation with the Lord in that role.

I have been struck many time in the past week how lightly our culture takes parenting. Both sexes carry this fault, yet women more often tend to have an innate motherly instinct. And there are a lifetime of repercussions.

I have also been thinking of this issue from the other side. How even those who decide and plan to become fathers struggle with the role once the enter it. Or how when your child becomes a teenager, there are all new requirements. There is no formula to being a good father; it depends so much on your child. And it seems to me as thought fathers of sons have an even greater challenge in breaking the barrier that intimacy is not masculine.

Fatherhood should not be taken lightly. There is a generation being raised up that may not even know what a father should be, and what kind of father's will they be?

Kudos to the fathers out there who are on their knees and putting all they have into this weighty task!
Keep it up!

Sunday, February 26, 2012


I decided I should fill out my blogger profile, so I wrote the first 5 things that came to mind.

Then I said to my husband, "My top 5 interests, go!"

He thinks hard for a moment.

I say, "It can't be that hard!"


"Gardening. Ok, got that."


Chagrinned. "Games."


"...Ok, ya."


"It's supposed to be like hobbies, not obsessions!"

How my husband sees me. How I see me. How I really am. You decide.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Seeds of Strength #4

As promised, today I will reveal my #4 of strengths finder! This one may surprise some of you!

Sense other's emotions. Feel their feelings as your own. Share their perspective. Not necessarily agree with everyone's perspective. Not necessarily feel pity (that's sympathy, not empathy.) Not necessarily condone everyone's choices, but understands. Instinctive ability to understand. Hear the unvoiced questions. Anticipate the need. Find the right words and tone. Help people find words to express their feelings. Other people are drawn to you.

Kind of a weird one to point out about yourself, but it seems true enough. This is why I usually enjoy listening more than talking.

Lesson of the day: empathy is not sympathy.

Friday, February 24, 2012


Yesterday I wrote about creating this nook cover. Today I am thinking about the word "nook." Or rather, the thing. "Nook" just sounds so darn cozy to me! And I have to say, if I was going to purchase an e-reader, I would go with the Nook just because they picked the better name. "Kindle" is not bad, and it's used a lot in Jeremiah (I noticed that as I read it this week). But if you're gonna sit down and delve into a written world, where would you want to do it?

In preparing for my future reading hours, I have considered specifications of what I would want in my nook. For me, the most important thing is comfort- you could be there for hours. I would like some kind of cushioned back rest, like a husband pillow. Also, lighting is super important. My eyes often start hurting if my lighting is too artificial and yellowy; solution- windows, big ones. Or just one big one.

I've done a little browsing and a little pinning, and here are my starter examples:

This one is great because it is super cozy, has lots of pillows, and seems to have an overhead window to let light in! Also, its looks like there's a shelf to place your cup, phone or other things you need nearby. 

I like this window, but it does not allow for much back support. Still a work in progress, I say. 

I also like the idea of your book shelves surrounding it, or of it being almost literally a whole in your wall. There's a really great reading area in the movie Inkheart. I wouldn't mind having that library! 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

DIY- Nook Cover

A tutorial!

Since I have the time, talent, resources and unceasing desire for saving money, I tried to think of great homemade Christmas presents last year (2011). Often, homemade gifts are better because they are more thoughtful, unique, and they hold sentimental value. But it does take more thought to find the right gift for the right person, not just a pot holder or can of cookie ingredients for everyone on your list. (Though those gifts are great if you have to give in bulk to people you don't know well.)

(This seems like it should be a December post. Archive it away for later this year!)

My mother-in-law loves to read and had recently got a Nook Color before Christmas. In my opinion, any portable electronic device needs a case because we are only human! I found this tutorial on pinterest, and it was so simple!

First, I found the dimensions for the Nook Color, since the tutorial could be altered for any E reader. 

I used matting that I found in my mom's sewing drawer, and pieces of fabric left over from other projects.  

The tutorial give great step by step instructions, and I don't want to take credit for all the work in planning. 
Basically, you sew the pockets on first. Then you sew the outer pieces with the matting like a pillow case, inside out. Turn it right side, and stitch all the outer edges without lifting. Finish by adding the elastic corners to hold the reader. This case protects and is functional! 

I covered the elastic that holds the device in with ribbon because I thought the elastic looked tacky. Originally, I used one strip across the bottom because I didn't have to device to use to measure the corners. However, this method was not secure enough for my liking, so I later adjusted it to 4 corners of elastic, using the Nook to measure exactly where to place them and how tight. 

The tutorial includes 3 handy pockets: 2 vertical on the left side, and 1 horizontally underneath the other 2. 

I used a pony tail holder for the elastic loop. 

Instead of using a button, I made this fabric flower out of the fabric of the inner pockets. Here is a very simple tutorial of how to make these. I have made tons! So easy to make out of scraps from other projects, and you could stick them on anything as a little embellishment! 

The final product!

Usually, I am detailed and particular; but when it comes to sewing, I just want to finish a project. But I saw that asymmetry and funky shapes is part of the homemade charm!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

It's February 22nd, folks!

Today is my sister's birthday!

Deborah holding baby Me.

I have known her my whole life! She has been my worst enemy and my best friend. We were the greatest playmates because somehow our minds were just linked (until they weren't and Mom would say "Do I have to separate you two?!"). We existed in a world of imagination all our own, but together. We have already ventured through several life stages together, and I am excited to see what new ones the future holds!

Happy Birthday, Sister! Here's to 26 years!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

2s Day

I don't know quite what the mental connection is, but to me it just makes sense that I often charade the number "2" with my middle and index finger when I talk about Tuesday. It follows simply that Wednesday's visual would be three fingers, conveniently creating a "W". You can continue this pattern throughout the week if you like. Friday's connection with 5 is just natural. It works best when referring to work weeks.

Feel free to try this method the next time you need a day-of-the-week code.

Monday, February 20, 2012


Meet Zorro. Presently, he is perched on my lap which is his throne. My sister, Angela, raised and trained Zorro and created the perfect dog. Then she moved to China, and Kevin and I received our bundle of joy. 

Here we have the many faces (or haircuts) of Zorro. 






Fortunately, we don't have any scraggly haired pictures of Zorro. I refuse to take him to the groomers as often as they "suggest." My motto is if I can get the knots out, there's no need for a groomer. Therefore, he's in pretty bad shape when he eventually does make it in. And therefore, I make Kevin go in because the first time they scolded me, and now I will not show my face. For shame? Or for their protection?

So, that's Zorro. He's pretty great. And he really is such a Zorro!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Seeds of Strength #5

A fact that has always been true about me, and that I recently discovered is a trait common to introverts, is that it communicate more easily through the written word. With that, I am more comfortable sharing information in writing than speaking. So, I'm going to jump right into this relationship and enlighten you on my innermost workings. What better way to do that than through Tom Rath's Strengths Finder 2.0?

About 2 years ago, everyone I knew was taking this assessment and discussing their results. I LOVE learning about myself and why I do things the way I do. I am very introspective. Plus, it helps me not feel like a scrooge when I can call it a strength! But alas, the book cost $25 and you can't take the test without buying the book. And there was NO WAY I was buying myself a $25 book. 

I asked for it for Christmas. This year. I was so excited for take the test! I laughed out loud at how extreme I was on one end of the other of some of the questions! And I shared them with Kevin, who was slightly less interested. Ever since I received my results and read their summaries, I have been explaining to everyone which trait plays into each of my weirdities. And now I will share with you. 

Just so I don't scare you away, I'll just give you #5 today, then work up to the big #1.

There are all the strengths arranged into category.

#5. Deliberative (So as not to plagiarize, I will just include key words and facts.) 

Careful. Vigilant. Private. Sense risks- identify, assess and reduce. Serious. Reserved. Plan ahead. Anticipate what might go wrong. Select friends cautiously. Life is not a popularity contest, it is a minefield. Walk with care. 

Nailed it! 

Friday, February 17, 2012


I hereby dedicate my first post to my first niece: Daisy. Fitting, isn't it? The first flower in my garden.

In fact, this got me thinking, should I name all my own children flower names to make our "Garden of Eaton" even more fitting? Or, I suppose I could do food names...

Boy, am I excited to be an aunt! Aunt Lydi. Or, however it comes out. Years ago, I had great intentions of being the proverbial young, fun, single aunt of whom the kids just can't get enough! Then I got married. And then, for a long time, it seemed like my children would be the first in the family. But praise God, I WILL be a young, fun aunt who brings an uncle with her! And she will never get enough of me!

Fully expect for there to be many a blog posting about things created for Daisy. Don't worry, I will share my creative juices so you can create for the little person in your life! Also don't worry, not every post will be about Daisy. After all, she is my niece, not my child. I can't live completely vicariously through my sister. Plus, I have adventures of my own to chronicle. 

If you're wondering who Daisy is, check out Deborah's blog: Where's My Dream Life?