Monday, April 30, 2012

Daisy's Baby Shower: A series

I realize I have not been posting very much lately. This is in part due to spending my time preparing for Deborah and Daisy's baby shower. My mom and I hosted the shower on Saturday, which means I can now blog about everything I have been working on for the past 2 months! I will do so in a series of posts, so that you can have details on how to recreate each item if you so desire.

For now, here is a sneak peak of what is to come throughout the week.

The great group of guests! Thank you all for coming!

Sisters, Mom, Grandma

The food. You will get a closer look in the upcoming posts! 

Daisy will be a well dress little baby! 6 pairs of precious shoes, and tons of cute dresses and onsies!

I had a great time prepping for the shower, and it was a great little party! Now, what to do for the next 2 months til Daisy comes?!

**These pictures were not taken in December of 2008. I guess that's what happens when your husband won't come take pictures on his iPhone.**

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I've been to the dentist a thousand times, so I know the drill. Smooth my hair, sit back in the chair, but somehow I still get the chills.                    
                                                              Dental Care by Owl City

Actually for me it's more anxiety than chills. I am going to the dentist today as I have done every 6(ish) months for the past 23 (minus the infancy years before you go to the dentist) years of my life. I have to admit, there was a brief stage during my adolescent years, after I got my braces off, during which I enjoyed the experience due to the slick, clean, freshness of professionally cleaned teeth. But those were different times.

It's not that I don't like my dentist. He's a great guy, as are all the employees that I encounter on my visit. And they may read this, but I'm just gonna be bold and say it: I hate flossing. I will shout it from the roof tops: I HATE FLOSSING!

I know I need to. I know I have genetically bad gums that apparently disappear. I know I have had more fillings than any one person can even make excuses for. And I know that if I made a habit of it, it probably wouldn't hurt so much.

But you know what I hate even more than flossing? I hate being rebellious. And for 10 months of the year, I am guilt free. But every time I schedule that appointment, the chagrin sets in. For I know exactly what my sweet, friendly hygienist is going to ask me: "Have you been flossing? How often?"

*Sigh* This issue really goes deeper than flossing. My husband is constantly trying to reach the bottom of my fear of not following the rules. But let's stay on topic.

If you, too, fear your bi-annual trip to the dentist, give me a garbled "Aahh!"

*Additional information*

Have you seen Little Shop of Horrors?

I once heard that dentists have the highest suicide rate of any profession. That's probably not true, but I think they were trying to prove my point.

A quote from a friend: "The night before going to the dentist is like the night before finals. You're doing everything you should've done for the last six months."

Friday, April 20, 2012

Pizza Hut Buffet

When I was a child, my family occasionally went out to eat. I mean, feeding five can get expensive! One of my fondest restaurant memories is the Pizza Hut Buffet. Despite my limited pallet of cheese and only cheese pizza, I loved this opportunity! You know why? The cinnamon breadsticks. 

Since those days I have learned 2 things about Pizza Hut: 1. You can order those cinnamon breadsticks just like regular breadsticks and 2. most Pizza Hut's are take out only. If you are lucky enough to find an eat-in Pizza Hut, the odds of them having a buffet are slim. In the past several years, we have driven the I-75 route to and from Atlanta many times. In our travels, we learned that there is at least 1 Pizza Hut off of the interstate that has an all-you-can-eat lunch buffet Monday-Friday. It seemed that every time we encountered such an establishment it was either a Saturday or Sunday, or it was late in the evening. 

On our most recent trip, however, we landed the perfect circumstances! I was so excited that we didn't even enquire about the cost! We jumped right in with the 2 fresh pizzas on the island. I anxiously ate my pizza thinking, "They might not even put the cinnamon breadsticks on the buffet anymore. Why would they? We are the only ones here. They wouldn't waste that deliciousness on 2 people!" 

And then the waiter brought out a fresh, hot pan of the most delicious sweetness ever! 

My life was complete in that moment. 

A well balanced meal.

My mouth is watering now as I tell you about it. 

Why do all my favorite cinnamon foods have to cease? Hold on to your sweet, cinnamon memories! Those treats won't last forever!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Somebody That I Used to Know

I have had this song by Gotye featuring Kimba on repeat for the past 5 days. I heard it a while back on the radio and immediately looked it up because I loved the sound. It's so catchy and different from most songs on the radio. Recently we watched the episode of Glee featuring Matt Bomer (Neal Caffrey from White Collar) singing half of the duet, and then it was stuck in my head. The next day I purchased it. Pure gold.

I said I was going to listen to it on repeat until I knew all the words. I know all the words now. And having all those words swirling around in my head makes me want to share them with the world! I considered using a line as my Facebook status, but quickly realized that it just doesn't make sense for me to do that. Not a single line from the song would be fitting for me to post. In fact, it might even be inappropriate! Which got me thinking about the popularity of these songs of bitterness about past relationships that the singer never quite recovers from. Are they so appealing because people actually relate to them? Well, maybe more people need to let it out in song! It's highly therapeutic!

Anyways, I suggest you take a listen or ten to this lovely tune. (Disclaimer: artsy video.)

And if you don't watch Glee (because it's just too much of a mess of drama!), you should still get your tissues our and enjoy this scene. (Disclaimer: they are brothers.)