Monday, May 7, 2012

Summer Goals

Normally I don't like to set goals. Not because I don't have goals, but more because I prefer to have the freedom to change my mind :-)

However, I have decided to set a few summer goals:
(I figure summer is a short enough time that I should be able to manage it)

1. Do some kind of athletic activity every weekday, even if it just going for a walk.
2. Wear a dress at least once a week. - The only way I can justify continuing to purchase dresses is to wear them more regularly. Husband thinks this resolution also includes shaving my legs... we shall see.
3. Reach 100% ministry funding. - This is mostly out of my hands and in God's, but I can do what I can do.
4. Move to Atlanta. - Again, Lord willing.
5. Spend quality time with my favorite people and make sure they know how much I appreciate them.
6. Have a niece.
7. Spoil my niece.
8. Love my niece to pieces. Nieces Pieces.
9. Learn to respect my husband well.
10. Pray every day.

There are other things that I would like to happen, but I'm taking baby steps people!

Tomorrow I turn 24 years young. To many people that is young. But life is happening here, and I don't want to miss it! It's time for me to get busy! (Ya, busy's not really my style, but you get the idea.)

1 comment:

  1. How you gonna spoil that niece in Hotlanta?! I'm sure you'll find ways!
