Thursday, April 26, 2012


I've been to the dentist a thousand times, so I know the drill. Smooth my hair, sit back in the chair, but somehow I still get the chills.                    
                                                              Dental Care by Owl City

Actually for me it's more anxiety than chills. I am going to the dentist today as I have done every 6(ish) months for the past 23 (minus the infancy years before you go to the dentist) years of my life. I have to admit, there was a brief stage during my adolescent years, after I got my braces off, during which I enjoyed the experience due to the slick, clean, freshness of professionally cleaned teeth. But those were different times.

It's not that I don't like my dentist. He's a great guy, as are all the employees that I encounter on my visit. And they may read this, but I'm just gonna be bold and say it: I hate flossing. I will shout it from the roof tops: I HATE FLOSSING!

I know I need to. I know I have genetically bad gums that apparently disappear. I know I have had more fillings than any one person can even make excuses for. And I know that if I made a habit of it, it probably wouldn't hurt so much.

But you know what I hate even more than flossing? I hate being rebellious. And for 10 months of the year, I am guilt free. But every time I schedule that appointment, the chagrin sets in. For I know exactly what my sweet, friendly hygienist is going to ask me: "Have you been flossing? How often?"

*Sigh* This issue really goes deeper than flossing. My husband is constantly trying to reach the bottom of my fear of not following the rules. But let's stay on topic.

If you, too, fear your bi-annual trip to the dentist, give me a garbled "Aahh!"

*Additional information*

Have you seen Little Shop of Horrors?

I once heard that dentists have the highest suicide rate of any profession. That's probably not true, but I think they were trying to prove my point.

A quote from a friend: "The night before going to the dentist is like the night before finals. You're doing everything you should've done for the last six months."

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