Friday, February 15, 2013

On The Perks of Being a Wallflower

Dear Friend,

I have seen a handful a people share a quote from this story in the social media and it has got me thinking. You probably know this, but social media is like Facebook or Twitter and that kind of stuff.

Incidentally, I saw the movie in December with my sisters. My initial reaction was to think that it was depressing. But then I kept thinking about it. And over the years I have determined that to me a good movie is one that I continue to think about after it is over. Then I read some about it on the internet and decided that I would read the book.

I have just finished the book and I was depressed again. But I still kept thinking about it. Even though I knew the story, since it was exactly the same as the movie. That's when I saw the quote floating around. This is the quote: "We accept the love we think we desserve." It's one of those quotes that people will always quote. I think because it sounds like an epiphany every time you hear it.

But here's the thing it got my thinking about. That quote is the very reason why the movie and the book and the real life connotations of the story are so depressing. It also brought to mind another movie I watched recently. The movie was Les Miserables. (SPOILER ALERT) You have probably seen it and already know this, but the police man character Javert commits suicide. After the movie I said that I thought that was unnecessary and that he didn't need to die. But my friends said that it was because he couldn't accept forgiveness. Forgiveness has to be accepted. Incidentally, that is the premise of grace.

So that got my thinking about the Gospel. And how there are 4 laws of the Gospel and that the fourth law is just as important as the others. Sometimes we focus on God loving us, or that we are sinful, or that Jesus died on the cross for our sins and then rose again and defeated death. And those are all very important. But maybe the last part is the most important. Incidentally, you have to receive forgiveness or you sins and you have to receive salvation. And so if we accept only the love we think we deserve, how could we ever hope for anything more than the life portrayed in The Perks of Being a Wallflower? Because we certainly don't desserve Jesus and His forgiveness.

Anyways, I hope that all makes sense to you. Even despite all the depressing stuff in the story, I really like Charlie. To me, he is probably the most relatable book character I have ever met. Besides all the drugs, sex, and trauma, that is. I have always thought of myself as a kind of wallflower. And I guess he kind of inspired me. If Charlie can get out there and participate, and his life is definitely worse than mine, though he wouldn't say worse, just different, then I guess I can too.

So if I don't blog for a while, don't worry. I might be too busy participating.

Love always,

P.S.- Incidentally, I think maybe this would be a much better line to quote, about participating.

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